Another HELP authoring tool! There are lots of fine products on the market that speed the rapid development of Windows help files. It seems a little stiff, however, to shell out several hundred dollars on top of the purchase price for an .RTF processor like Word for Windows! For one-man programming bands everywhere, I make this modest contribution to help you write good help files at no additional expense. This package consists of a WinWord document template that eases and organizes the Help authoring process. From within WinWord you can edit, compile, test and modify your help files until you get them just the way you want. Several WordBasic macros, a highly modified toolbar, an example .RTF file and a .HLP file are the heart of this system. This contribution is no better than any other and lacks many features. I do hope that you find the illumination you have sought in trying to understand the ins and outs of writing help files. This is released into the public domain. Bud Brown CIS 73277,3615